Oncology Outpatients Relocation, RUH Bath
SR Architects Ltd. was commissioned by RUH Bath NHS Trust starting in mid-2019 to design, tender and administer construction for works to relocate the Oncology Outpatients Consulting department to a refurbished short-term facility in preparation for the Hospital building a new large scale Cancer Treatment Centre.
A segment of the project also involved designing and constructing new linking corridors to reroute circulation patterns for the temporary facilities in conjunction with the Oncology Inpatient and Treatment services to remain in place until the completion of the Cancer Centre.
Despite their projected 3-year lifespans, these facilities needed to be designed to fulfill the latest standards for medical facilities yet delivered to minimise construction and end demolition costs as well as creating caring environments for the patient users.
Ultimately completed in late 2020 throughout much of the height of Covid 19 pandemic, these new, albeit temporary facilities have been warmly received by staff and users.